Relax Tip: Breathe Deeply

by Danielle Lauren

Go to a place where you can truly relax – whether that is sitting on the soft sand at the beach, looking out over the water on your kayak, hiking up a mountain and enjoying the view from the top, or it could simply be finding a quiet space at home.  Whatever it is go to that place and close your eyes and breathe in deeply.

breathe in the ocean.png

Benefits of Deep Breathing:

- Detoxifies and Releases Toxins

- Releases Tension

- Relaxes the Mind/Body and Brings Clarity

- Relieves Emotional Problems

- Relieves Pain

- Massages Your Organs

- Strengthens the Immune System

- Improves Posture

- Improves Quality of the Blood

- Increases Digestion and Assimilation of food

- Improves the Nervous System

- Strengthens the Lungs and Heart

- Boosts Energy Levels and Improves Stamina

- Elevates Mood

- Improves Cellular Regeneration

Take 5 minutes to focus on your breathing

Gently close your eyes or keep a soft gaze with your spine in an upright position, place one hand on your belly. Slowly inhale through your nose for a count of 7 seconds. Feel your belly rise, imagining a balloon filling up with air. Once you have reached 7 seconds, hold your breath for one second and then slowly release the exhale through your nose for 7 complete seconds. Repeat 5 times.

Take a Relaxing Bath

by Danielle Lauren

For those who love taking bubble baths and relaxing listening to calming music with candles in a dim lit bathroom, then you will love this.  Bath detox: fill your tub with warm water, a cup of Epsom salts, 10 drops of lavender oil, half a cup of baking soda and fresh cut flowers.  This miracle mixture will draw out toxins and detoxify your body inside and out.  This bath with lower stress related hormones and balance out your internal ph levels.  Turn on your favorite calming music and add candles of your choice.  A warm bath will help you relieve stress and will also relax your muscles.  Find time to unwind. 

Read a book in a quiet place

by Danielle Lauren

When your life gets busy and sometimes pretty hectic it can be difficult to even find 10 minutes in your day to just relax and unwind.  Try to schedule your time so that you can allow yourself some time to rest and relax.  What do you like to do to relax?  Find a quiet place either inside or outside and read a book.  Sometimes taking your mind off of your current situation can help you relax.  If reading is a book is not your thing, then read a magazine, or look at photos on Instagram.  Find what makes you happy and schedule yourself a bit of quiet time each day in order to relax.