Ocean Breath Work Practice

by Danielle Lauren

The Ocean Breath Work Practice is a guided meditation technique aimed at inducing relaxation and a sense of calm by synchronizing breath with the imagery and rhythm of ocean waves.


Allow your body to settle into a restful position. Invite in a few rounds of deep breathing. Allow the breath to return to its natural state. Notice the fullness of your breath as it expands to your body’s capacity. Notice the steadiness of your breathing as it flows in and out. 


Now, we'll begin the Ocean Breath technique. Inhale deeply through your nose, filling your lungs completely. As you exhale, imagine the sound of ocean waves gently rolling onto the shore. Imagine linking your breath with the cadence of the ocean waves. 


Once you've filled your lungs, exhale through your nose with a slight constriction in the back of your throat, creating a soft, audible sound similar to the sound of ocean waves receding back into the sea. This is often described as a gentle "haaaah" sound.


Continue with this pattern, inhaling deeply through your nose, and exhaling with the oceanic sound through your nose. Feel the rhythm of your breath, like the ebb and flow of the tide.


As you breathe, allow any tension or stress to melt away with each exhale, releasing it back into the metaphorical ocean. With each inhale, invite in a sense of calm and relaxation, like the soothing embrace of the sea. Settle into the effortless rhythm moving through your body. 


Continue this Ocean Breath practice for several more rounds, allowing yourself to sink deeper into relaxation with each breath.


If your mind starts to wander, gently guide your focus back to the sensation of your breath and the rhythmic sound of the ocean breath.


Take a few more moments to breathe in this way, feeling the gentle rhythm of your breath connecting you to the vastness and tranquility of the ocean.


When you feel ready, slowly release the Ocean Breath technique and return to your natural breathing pattern. Take a moment to notice how you feel, perhaps more relaxed, centered, and present.


Remember, you can return to this Ocean Breath practice whenever you need to find a moment of calm and connection throughout your day. Draw on the inspiration of the water element of nature. Find rest in this moment.