CALM practices

by Danielle Lauren

CALM practices

If you looked up CALM in the dictionary you would find “the absence of wind.” When you think of your mind as an ocean and your thoughts as the wind it can make perfect sense why the cessation of thoughts can leave a calm mind. It’s natural to have a constant flow of thoughts, but there needs to be time in between these rushing thoughts to allow the mind to have a break. When you pause and start to build awareness around the many thoughts you may have you begin to notice a slight gap between thoughts. Let your awareness sink deeper into this gap. There are a variety of tools you have within that can bring you to this state of calm.


 Here are a few calm practices that you can do in a few minutes:

Meditation – sit in a quiet place. Begin to notice your breath. Accept your thoughts as they come and go and continue to focus on the natural rhythm of your breath. Even just a few minutes can help.

Mindful Breathing – breathe in for a count of 4 and release slowly for a count of 8. Repeat as much as needed.

Yin Yoga – start in a seated position, bring the soles of your feat together with your knees open like a butterfly and begin to lower your body gradually towards your feet. Let gravity hold you here and continue to breathe naturally in and out through your nose.

Journaling – Set a timer for 5 minutes and free flow journal – allow whatever is on your mind to come up. Do not judge what you write, just allow it to be.

Reflexology – your body is full of natural pressure points that can make you feel calmer. Take a break and give your feet some TLC. Use a calming lotion such with lavender or chamomile ingredients and gently massage your feet focusing on different areas.

Cup of Relaxing tea – go to your favorite health food store and look for a calming tea. There are plenty of stress-relieving teas that you can use as your go to calming source. When you find yourself feeling stressed, put on a kettle and make yourself a relaxing tea. You can even enjoy tea in the summer - if it’s hot out then cool it on ice!