by Danielle Lauren

Journal Prompt Exercise

I encourage you to stare at a blank page in front of you. Set your timer for 10 minutes and free write. A blank page allows the words to spill out in front of you. A clean slate to explore whatever comes up. Allow this time and space to be free from judgments. Free flowing thoughts will help you dissolve trapped emotions that may be stuck. Without the intention about writing about something in particular, allow these journal prompts to absorb into your mind. Do not try and answer the questions at first, just allow them to start churning the wheels in your mind. Then begin free writing. Making the words on the page appear one by one…remember no judgment!

Journal prompts:

How do I want my life to unfold?

What am I doing in my life that I am proud of?

What do I want to improve in my life?

What am I truly grateful for?

What brings me joy?

Do I find surrender from moment to moment accepting what is?

What am I afraid of?

How can I let go of what no longer serves me?

What boundaries do I create the prevents me from experiencing love?

Do I feel calm? If so, what relaxes me?

Do I feel stressed? If so, what worries me?

How can I make today a better day?

Am I overly positive or negative with my views?

Do I set realistic goals?

Am I too hard on myself?


Once you have completed your journal exercise. Take a few minutes to center yourself. Find your breath. Take a few big deep breaths here. It’s important to check in with yourself from time to time and see where you are. See if you can find time every day to free write even if for a few minutes. Staring at a blank page is a symbol for each new day. Imagine how you will write the story of your life every morning you wake up.