Arrive in the Present Moment

by Danielle Lauren

How much of your day is absorbed into thinking? How much of the moment are you missing right in front of you? It’s easy to get lost in thought. It’s easy to get swept away with the processes the mind creates – dwelling on events from the past or creating scenarios in your head to “protect” you in the future.

Take a deep breath wherever you are.

Fill up your lungs and let the air expand you. As you breathe in imagine making a bit more space in your mind to break free of these thought patterns. Imagine releasing any stress or tension held in the body. Take notice of the space around you. Open your eyes and see all that fills up your environment. Notice the temperature in the room. Notice any sensations you can feel by touch. What do you hear at this moment?

When we arrive in the present moment, we take in all of our surroundings and senses. We dive deeper so that we can truly experience the present, because the present moment is the best present of all.