Removing Energy Blocks (Guided Meditation)

by Danielle Lauren

How are you doing? What is your energy level at this moment? Think back to a time when you felt stuck. Energy can feel stagnant and sometimes lodged unpleasantly in the body based on certain emotions we experience. The feeling of physical and emotional resistance can make you feel discomfort, rigid, frustrated, and even depressed. It’s important to recognize this feeling and find ways to gently work through it. Our immediate reaction when feeling blocked might be to hurry up and get unstuck. In the rush to free ourselves from this discomfort we can end up causing more.

Every moment of your life may not be filled with ecstatic energy. In fact, it is quite normal to feel a range of emotions. This is what makes us human. When you tune into the sensations of your body you begin to sense your mood. Noticing when something may feel off either due to exerting yourself physically or taxing your mind mentally, there can become an imbalance felt within the body and the mind. Sometimes you may feel stuck in this place. Feeling lackluster, no energy, even fatigued to an extent. You may be exerting too much pressure on yourself at work, or even at home, perhaps, with yourself in daily life. When we notice this place of feeling incomplete or tired of the mundane it is time to refresh our energy. 

Find subtle yet natural ways to remove energy blocks:

  • Take a warm bath – immerse yourself in cleansing healing waters and soothe your mind as well as your body

  • Move around – through spontaneous dance while listening to music

  • Vinyasa Flow Yoga – find a connection between body, mind, and spirit through each breath and movement

  • Breathwork – various types of breathing exercises can remove stagnant energy (try a balancing or energizing breath practice

  • Grounding – get outside in the bare dirt with your feet

Meditation is one of the most natural ways to refreshen your energy by reducing your stress, limiting thoughts, and focusing on the present moment with awareness of your breathing. A simple, yet very effective tool we all have within us and can tap into at any time. 

Allowing Discomfort

Life can be uncomfortable. It can be full of disappointments, grief, loneliness, sadness, and discomfort. It is often these emotions that we push down that get stuck within the body. Have you ever heard about how emotions get stored in the tissues? Have you ever noticed when you feel extremely stressed you feel tension somewhere in the body? Perhaps, it is your shoulders or your back. Often times we look to escape these displeasures and we force these negative emotions down without truly feeling them and acknowledging them. As challenging as it can be, allow these emotions to come to the surface, witness them, acknowledge them, and work through them. Next time you are experiencing a feeling and having an emotion observe it without judgment. Realize this is the feeling you are having in this particular moment and know that this too shall pass. 

Try not to create an attachment to this experience, this emotion, or this feeling. Let it be just as it is and notice how it makes you feel. Try to get to the root cause of it instead of forcing yourself to feel differently or to escape the emotion entirely. Ask yourself the questions – why do I feel this way? What is it that I am truly feeling? How can I work through this feeling, emotion, or thought? Challenge yourself to dig deeper. To find meaning and perseverance through life’s discomfort. Allow it to be. Allow yourself to be challenged with whatever arises. Know that you can return to a safe place within – by focusing on this moment – by breathing clearly in and out. To find that still place that resides within us all. Only when we truly allow the discomfort, surrender to it, can we release it and work through it.