Fall Back to Sleep (Meditation)

by Danielle Lauren

If you find yourself awake in the middle of the night unable to fall back to sleep easily, try this meditation to gently drift your awareness into a place of calmness and ease.

Laying in your bed with your eyes closed. Start to breathe in slowly and deeply through your nose. Sip in just a touch more breath and hold for one, two, three, four. Slowly begin to release the breath through pursed lips. Take in a big inhale and then a natural exhale. Let it all go.

When we try to manipulate our breath, our breathing can sometimes become uneasy. Begin this practice again. Slowly breathing all the way in, pausing at the top, holding for four, three, two, and one. Slowly begin to release out the mouth. Curling your lips to make a small ‘o’ shape. Then allow your breath to return to normal. Sighing to release any tension. Do this one more time. Following the same breath pattern. Breathing slowly in through the nose, pausing, and releasing. Then finding the natural breath. Release the focus on the breath and begin to turn the attention to the body.

Begin to notice the subtle sensations of your body lying in your bed. You might feel the softness around your head as you lay on your pillow or the feel of the blanket against your skin. Bring awareness to the feeling of your clothing. The temperature in the room. Now scan the body from head to toe, scanning all the way down your spine, and pause when you notice any areas of tension, tightness, or holding. Send a full breath into your body and as you exhale imagine that area of discomfort beginning to dissolve. 


Imagine Your eyelids are feeling heavier. Your body is feeling suspended in a cloud as you slowly begin to doze off to sleep. As you float on this cloud up into the night sky, you look above and see thousands of bright twinkling stars. The glow of each star is warm and softens your face. With every breath, you feel lighter, more relaxed, and more at ease. The day begins to drift away as the night takes hold. Your heartbeat has slowed down to a slow melodic pace. Every breath you take feels grounding, supported, and peaceful. Your thoughts have drifted away and all you can sense is your breath. A slow, calm, deep breath, lulling you back into a blissful night sleep.