Surrender even more (Meditation)

by Danielle Lauren

Let go

Loosen your grip


Sink into stillness 

Surrender even more

Surrender is a lifelong journey, a practice that continually returns us to the experience of life, and allows us to flow without resistance. The natural state of surrender is about knowing when to do- and when to simply be. Discerning between the doing and being states requires awareness and an ability to tune in to the self that resides within. When we decide to embrace surrender in our lives, we are asked to become more and more discerning of what is within our control and what is not.


The idea of surrender - an act that reconnects us to the simplicity of JUST being. At first, it might seem that we’re losing something - all the colorful distractions and entertainments our myriad forms of media bring us, the special ways we’ve figured out to survive in what seems to be such a hostile world or the vast quantities of data we heap onto our brains on a daily basis.


Surrender ushers us into the amazingly rich realm of liminal space - the experience that occurs just before and after a threshold is crossed. It takes us into timelessness, into a place where everything is possible and free of choosing. Surrender is the doorway to rejuvenation.


“Recognize that obstacles are detours in the right direction.” When you choose to see your obstacles as detours in the right direction, you can begin to find a deeper meaning and personal growth amidst the discomfort. All obstacles that are perceived with love can be transformed into the greatest life lessons.


Sometimes things aren’t working out in the timeline you expected. Life doesn’t go as planned. When we don’t get what we want our reactions can come from fear of not ever getting it. The sense of frustration, guilt, and sadness carries over into your day. In a way, you become your own block. Constantly moving with the energy of lack and the need to control you become your own biggest barrier. Lay down your walls. Resist your temptation to keep up the resistance. Let go. Embrace how far you have come.


Release your grip on life. Release the need to control everything. Let go of everything needing to go your way. Spend more time in the non-doing – meditating, sitting in stillness, quietly observing the flow of life around you. When you surrender you let go of the wheel – no longer needing to be the driver. You become the passenger and look out the window. Once you have surrendered – surrender even more. Sink into stillness.