Removing Distractions (Meditation for Feeling your Emotions)

by Danielle Lauren

Life has a way of distracting you from the very moment you are in. With so much going on in the world around us and so much going on within our own minds it’s difficult to not get distracted. But sometimes these distractions run so deep that they pull us away from experiencing the emotions that are present. When emotions are not felt in the body when experienced they can sometimes get lodged there. The issues are in the tissues. We store a lot of emotions in certain areas of our body such as the hips, the neck, and the shoulders. The next time you notice yourself feeling distracted from the emotions that you feel presently in your body follow this guided meditation to bring yourself into full awareness.


Do you distract yourself from how you are really feeling deep inside? Do you find yourself running from the nitty gritty, the negative feelings that arise? Do you distract yourself from the present moment? Thinking about something from your past or how things could be in your future? What if you held on to this very moment? What if you just observed it with no intention but just to be here? Present and fully aware of everything happening around you and inside of you.

Allow your emotions to be felt. For your wisdom to be heard. Breath after breath you remove the disguises of distraction. Gently pull your awareness back to the moment. Back to the breath. When emotions are heavy – notice what you are feeling. Pain, anguish, despair, disgust, annoyance, loneliness, irritation, anger, betrayal, hurt. Notice what levels you feel these emotions. Is it strong or light? What is the intensity of this emotion or emotions present? Can you name them? Can you feel where they are present in your body? Are you holding, or gripping? Can you let go? Soften and release into the emotion. With loving awareness can you relax into your body? Can you feel every emotion that comes to the surface without distracting yourself with another thought?

Removing Distractions Meditation