Simple, yet effective breath work practice

by Danielle Lauren

Use this breath work practice as a tool to simply tune into your natural breath. Sometimes life gets the best of us and we forget to breathe. We forget to connect to ourselves and we get swept up moment by moment without truly feeling present. Allow this breath work to bring you back to yourself. By noticing the natural rhythm of our breath we find that stillness and our awareness increases. Fine tuning this space creates calm.

Begin by actively breathing in through your nose and filling in as much air as you possibly can. Then sip in a bit more air. Pause at the top. Holding for a count of 3. Exhale to release it all out of your nose slowly and deeply, expelling every list bit of breath. Pause at the bottom for a count of 1. Breathe in again filling in as much air as you can. This time exhale out of your mouth and sigh to let it all out and create an ahhh sound as you complete the release of oxygen from your body. Repeat this in your own time for a couple of more breath cycles. Breathing in all the way, exhaling out your nose, pausing and then breathing in completely and exhaling out of your mouth sighing it all out. 

Once you have completed these long steady breaths. Release the focus on the active breathing and just let your body breathe as it naturally occurs. Let the counting go. Let the force go. Just let your awareness settle on how your body takes in air. Maybe your breathing is shallow. Maybe it’s deep. Maybe there isn’t a pattern to it. Just follow it. As it comes and as it goes. Use this focus to pull you deeper into yourself. Let your breath guide you to how you are feeling in this moment. If thoughts arise, gently release them and observe the natural in flow and out flow of breathing. Stay here in this natural rhythm for a few more minutes.