Clear Your Mind Breath Work Practice

by Danielle Lauren

Use this practice to guide your focus to your breath which will anchor you into the present moment and help clear your mind. Begin standing. Widen your legs so they are in a wide-v shape. Only go out as far as comfortable. Take a deep inhale and as you exhale slowly start to hinge at your hips until your hands are touching the floor. If you are unable to touch, then just let your arms dangle. Alternatively, you can clasp both elbows so that your arms are locked together. Take another inhale and as you exhale sway gently upside down from side to side. Moving slowly from one leg to the other. Find a gentle rhythm as you continue to sway and try to match your breath to this movement. Repeat this several times.

If you can press your palms on the floor or even fingertips if you can and gently inch your feet closer together until they are hip distance apart, find a gentle bend in your knees, and begin to unstack the vertebrae one at a time until you gently rise, your head should come up last. Make sure to continue to breathe and do not rush coming up. 

Take a big inhale as you raise your arms up over your head and then exhale bring them down by your sides. Now on your inhale begin to sway from side to side finding a gentle release in your lower back as you sway your arms from left to right keeping your feet planted and knees slightly bent. 

Release the swaying and bring your palms together at heart center. Breathe in deeply through your nose, filling up with as much air as you can and then hold for a count of 5. As you exhale, slowly breathe out of your mouth through pursed lips as if you were blowing out of a straw. Repeat this again – breathing in through your nose, holding for a count of 5, and exhaling through your lips.

Allow your mind to clear as you continue focusing on your breath. Repeat this a couple of more times.