Where your attention goes your energy flows

by Danielle Lauren

Judgment blocks the flow of creativity and inspiration. Thoughts are everything. They determine what you focus on at any given time. Flow is a state we aim to move towards and once we arrive, the full effects of the Universe can be felt. This connection to source allows the mind to be in a creative and inspired state. What hinders the ability to stay in this state are the detrimental effects of the mind when it allows negativity and judgmental thoughts to arise. The power to change your thoughts is within you. It takes practice and awareness but is very possible. Once you can master this skill you will find yourself more at peace and feel the calmness within.

Start by practicing for a few moments a day - breathing in and breathing out and just witnessing the thoughts that arise. Without judgment just see them as they are and let them come and go. Imagine you are sitting by the ocean side, as you look out at the expansive sea in front of you ahead you see a sailboat passing on the shores. You watch it until it disappears. Let the sailboats represent your thoughts - watch them as they come in and watch them as they go out.

When we cling to thoughts, we create friction and tension in the body, and a heaviness in the mind. The need to control these thoughts can increase your anxiety, but the more you try the harder it may feel to let them go. The process of meditation is to move into a state of allowing. Loosening your grip bit by bit with every breath anchoring you into the here and now.

Whenever you feel your attention drifting into a dark corner gently bring it back to the present moment. Allow your attention to be absorbed in the thoughts you want to see. More sunshine, more sailboats. The more you move into a state of flow the energy will drift you off into a peaceful sunset. If you allow yourself to hold on to these sailboats with frustration you may end up crashing upon the rocks.