How to remain calm in a stressful situation

by Danielle Lauren

Thought alone can trigger the stress response. The mind easily wanders. It can bring you to thoughts of joy that make you feel excited about life and can bring you to tears with a simple flash back of a painful memory. Through all of life’s ups and downs there are sure to be challenges in the long road ahead. It’s not what happens to you, but how you react that makes all of the difference. This reaction is brought forth from an internal place – it all begins with your thoughts in the mind. It’s easier said than done to relax. Relaxation can take years to master.

By incorporating mind-body practices such as yoga and meditation throughout your day you can practice reacting to stressful situations. For example – when you are in an uncomfortable balance posture and feel you are about to tip out – you can center yourself and focus on your breathing. Allowing those distracting thoughts to fade to the background as you focus on the present moment. Right here – in this moment you are practicing how to become an observer of the self.

Calmness is a sense you feel not only in the body but also in the mind. Think of a still lake that is without ripples, you can clearly see the moon’s reflection in the night. If one little pebble is cast upon that like it can distort the moon’s reflection. Think of your thoughts as pebbles, they can easily disturb the calmness of the mind. The stress response is activated often by the thoughts alone we think for it triggers an emotional reaction which creates a physical reaction.

The next time you find yourself in a stressful situation and you wish to remain calm – go to that place within you where you find stillness. Allow your senses to tune inwards as you focus on your natural breath. Feel your heart beating and practice deep breathing to soften around the edges. In time you may find it gets easier and easier as you release the emotional impulse to react and instead find calmness by just listening, observing, and paying attention to the world around you.