Shifting your Focus into a State of Being (Guided Meditation) 

by Danielle Lauren

In this guided meditation we will cultivate a shift in the body to find a state of rest to create this same shift in the mind and go from “doing” to “being”. Often in life, we are hurrying, busy from one task to the text, checking off our to-do list but feeling as if something hasn’t been completed. Find a pause in your day and release the notion that you have to get something done. The busier you are the more you need meditation because the mind and body need moments of rest, contemplation, and reflection. 

The transition from "doing" to "being" often involves a shift in mindset and a greater focus on mindfulness and presence. Here are some steps you can consider:

1.     Mindfulness Practice:

    • Engage in mindfulness activities such as meditation, deep breathing, or mindful walking. These practices help you stay present and cultivate awareness of your thoughts and actions.

2.     Gratitude and Reflection:

    • Take time each day to reflect on your experiences and express gratitude for the positive aspects of your life. This can help you appreciate the present moment and shift your focus from constant doing to being grateful for what is.

3.     Simplify Your Life:

    • Evaluate your commitments and priorities. Simplify your schedule by focusing on essential tasks and activities. This can create more space for you to be present and enjoy the moment.

4.     Embrace Stillness:

    • Allow yourself moments of stillness. Whether it's sitting quietly, taking a break in nature, or just enjoying a quiet cup of tea, these moments can help you connect with the present and shift from constant doing to simply being.

5.     Set Boundaries:

    • Establish clear boundaries between work and personal life. This can help prevent the feeling of always needing to be in a state of doing and create designated times for relaxation and being present.

6.     Cultivate Mindful Habits:

    • Incorporate mindfulness into your daily activities. Whether it's eating, walking, or working, bring your full attention to the task at hand. This can enhance your experience and help you be more present.

7.     Explore Your Passions:

    • Engage in activities that bring you joy and align with your passions. When you're doing things you love, it becomes easier to be present and fully immerse yourself in the experience.

8.     Practice Self-Compassion:

    • Be kind to yourself and recognize that it's okay not to be constantly doing. Embrace moments of rest without guilt and acknowledge your own worth beyond your achievements.

9.     Connect with Others:

    • Foster meaningful connections with people around you. Being present in conversations and relationships can deepen your sense of connection and help you shift from doing to being with others.

Remember that the journey from doing to being is a personal and ongoing process. It involves self-awareness, intentional choices, and a commitment to living a more mindful and balanced life.